Work Experience with the Royal Ballet an

Embark on a career in the arts sector with backstage theatre work experience with the historic Royal Ballet and Opera.

The Royal Ballet and Opera is committed to encouraging and nurturing new talent for the theatre industry. Our work experiences programme is focused on opening up opportunities for everyone to find the right career pathway for them; be that their first time in a theatre or gaining experience for a change of career.

While these opportunities are unpaid, our placements offer a wealth of opportunities to gain experience and skills as well as opening up inspiring new possibilities. Work experience placements are available to people who are either in education or in the early stage of their career the opportunity to gain practical experience and invaluable insight into our working environments.


We offer work placements in many departments with the Royal Ballet and Opera. Those on placement will improve their skills and experience first-hand what it takes to keep one of the oldest theatres in London running. We offer work experience within many Royal Ballet and Opera departments and opportunities to learn from the best in the industry.

Our placements are often structured around specific projects or departmental schedules therefore we cannot always predict exactly when the next placement will come up. Placements can last from a few days to several weeks (part time) and are a fantastic way to get a glimpse at backstage work.

Most placements are based at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, although some are available at our Learning and Participation office and Production workshops in Thurrock, Essex.

Please note that we do not offer work experience for performers. We are unable to provide internships or host research students.  If you are interested in a career in backstage crafts please do look at our Apprenticeships Programme or look at the Careers section of our website where you can register for job alerts and look at our casual, fixed-term and permanent vacancies.

The Royal Ballet and Opera takes its responsibilities to all staff and visitors seriously and follows best practice with regard to legal health and safety requirements. Appropriate Health & Safety and Child Protection controls are in place and adhered to. 

How it works

There are currently no open opportunities for this season as we work on our new approach to open up access to these opportunities.

Application Guidelines
  • Royal Ballet and Opera work experience opportunities are open to UK residents only.
  • The minimum criteria for each placement are detailed in the placement listings.
  • Placements are only available to people who are 18 and over, due to health and safety and supervision requirements.
  • In the interests of equal opportunities, placements are limited to one per person. Once you have completed a work experience placement, applications for further placements will not be considered. 

Partner with us

The Royal Ballet and Opera is committed to working in partnerships with organisations who nurture early careers or mid-career changes. We have a strong commitment to partnering with colleges, specialist universities and conservatoire courses to ensure that education can be supported with tangible workplace experiences.

We are currently working with our Learning and Participation department and Safeguarding team to provide work experience placements for students in Year 10 and those completing T-Levels.

For all enquiries about partnerships, or if you are working with a careers information organisation to support people into careers please get in touch.


TheatreCraft is the UK’s largest free careers event for anyone aged 16-30 seeking off-stage roles in theatre.

As part of our commitment to expose the many career pathways that theatre has to offer, we are a major venue for Theatrecraft in partnership with SOLT and Masterclass UK. The Royal Ballet and Opera hosts the marketplace of training providers and employers as well as providing and hosting workshops, talks and tours.

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Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775)