Charlotte Politi



French-Italian conductor Charlotte Politi is the Constant Lambert Associate of The Royal Ballet. She made her debut with the company on the 2023 tour to Japan conducting A Month in the Country and has conducted since The Nutcracker, Festival of New Choreography, and Rhapsody. She also conducts regularly for the Birmingham Royal Ballet (where she was the Conducting Fellow from 2021-2023). Her repertoire includes Coppélia, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty.

Named by the BBC Music Magazine as a 'Rising Star', she thrives in both the concert hall and the theatre. In recent seasons, she has worked with London Philharmonic Orchestra, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre National de Metz, Northern Ballet Sinfonia, Orchestra da Camera del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

After studying piano and musicology in Florence, Charlotte studied conducting in Germany, at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, and in the United States, at the University of Michigan. She has also taken part in prestigious conducting masterclasses such as the Italian Opera Academy with Riccardo Muti, and Conductors’ Academy of the Tonhalle Zürich, under the guidance of Paavo Järvi.

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