Christopher Carr

Guest Principal Répétiteur
Black and white headshot of dancer Christopher Carr.


The son of a Yorkshire coalminer, Christopher Carr trained in Barnsley with Mavis Burrows and at The Royal Ballet School. In 1967 he joined The Royal Ballet Touring Company and in 1970 transferred to The Royal Ballet. He was promoted to Soloist, 1975, and later to Senior Soloist; he continued to perform until 1990. He became Assistant Ballet Master, 1983, Répétiteur to The Royal Ballet, 1984, Ballet Master, 1988, and Rehearsal Director, 2001. He has rehearsed and staged the majority of The Royal Ballet’s extensive repertory and has taught and staged various ballets for most of the leading companies around the world. In 2007 he elected to become Guest Principal Ballet Master.

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