Elizabeth Anderton

Principal Guest Teacher


Born in London, Elizabeth Anderton studied with Nesta Brooking and at The Royal Ballet School. She joined Sadler’s Wells Opera Ballet, 1955, then Sadler’s Wells Theatre Ballet, 1956, promoted to principal, 1961. Her repertory included Aurora, Giselle, Raymonda and Swanilda. She created roles in works by Cranko, Ashton, Tudor, Cauley and MacMillan. She was injured in 1970, and rehabilitation and coaching sessions with Winifred Edwards inspired her to teach. She joined Australian Ballet as coach, 1975, London Festival Ballet as teacher and répétiteur, 1977, and The Royal Ballet as Principal Guest Teacher, 1991. She assisted Nureyev on his production of Romeo and Juliet and created the role of Nurse. She was Assistant Artistic Director of London Festival Ballet, 1979–83 and 1984–90. In 2010 she was awarded the Governors of The Royal Ballet Gold Medal.

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