Jaimie Tapper

Head of Performance Coaching and Development


Jaimie Tapper leads on psychological health provision and the advancement of management practices at The Royal Ballet. She specializes in supporting individuals and organisations to improve psychological health and work performance and to advance evidence-based workplace practices. She completed her postgraduate studies in Organisational Psychology at City, University of London, 2015. For over a decade, she had an executive role, leading on staff health, training and performance at a London community health organization. She also works as a consultant psychologist for a range of international dance schools, companies and service organisations, including The Royal Ballet School, The National Ballet School of Canada, and the Dancers’ Career Development, and is a Trustee of Studio Wayne McGregor and the Prix de Lausanne. Prior to retraining as an Organisational Psychologist, she was a Principal dancer with The Royal Ballet and The National Ballet of Canada.

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