He has been Lighting Designer for the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, for nearly thirty years, where he has lit all the main operas and ballets and designed lighting for such choreographers as Schaufuss, Neimeier, Béjart and Kevin McKenzie. He first worked with Reid Anderson on Onegin in Copenhagen, 1989. Since 2000, he has been worked freelance designer and works mainly with Dieter Graefe/Reid Anderson for Cranko ballets around the world. Recent highlights include designs for Alexei Fadeyechev (Don Quixote for Polish National Ballet; Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and Raymonda for National Ballet of Georgia), Krzysztof Pastor (Swan Lake for Polish National Ballet), and for Royal Danish Ballet, on Bournonville’s La Ventana and a new production of Bournonville’s Et Folkesagn with new sets by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, for which he received the Order of Merit
Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775)